Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chicks dig vampires

Twilight Movie Review

Score: 6/10

Now before any of you guys out there ask that my man-card be revoked, keep this in mind: My wife is eight months pregnant. If you need further explanation, you've either never been married to a pregnant woman or you're an idiot.

Now getting to the movie, it was decent. The first and third acts were enjoyable. The action was better than I expected. The acting was decent (with some very good supporting performances mixed in). And it helps that they started with a good story.

So why couldn't I rate the movie higher? Because the middle section of the movie made me laugh out loud in the theater. I received death glances from two 14-year-old girls who didn't like my reaction with their beloved Edward on the screen. But seriously: It was like a combining a Carpenters song with a scene from the Buffy TV show, and that is in no way a compliment.

Otherwise though, I enjoyed it. If I am going to have to endure 20 minutes of teenage love angst, at least I get a fight between two high-powered vampires at the end.

I had heard a lot about poor special effects, but they weren't that bad. Yeah, it more resembled a high budget TV show than a big Hollywood production, but this movie isn't about special effects. It's about making females age 12-99 fall in love with vampires. And seeing that we were in a half-full theater in Appleton, Wis., six weeks after it came out, I'd say the filmmakers did their job, even I'm not going to rush out and buy the DVD (unless my wife requests it).

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